How to Order:
1. choose your size of painting, add to cart and purchase. *1 pet/animal per canvas*
2. a $25 non-refundable deposit guarantees your spot, and will be deducted from final invoice! these will be sent to your email when painting is finished! **I repeat, no payment until painting is finished!*
(paypal, venmo, cash are accepted) ((if you do not have these apps, I can create a custom listing on my website for you)).
3. email with 3-4 high quality photos of your pet, from a straight ahead angle. the better your photo, the better your painting! in this email, please also include: canvas shape (oval vs. rectangle/square), background color, if there is something you'd like included such as a specific collar, ball, blanket, etc.
4. paintings can take anywhere from 2-8 weeks; I will confirm with you the ETA of your painting!
5. all paintings can be shipped for around $10 or picked up for free in the 40205 area code
square/rectangle stretched canvas:
5"x5": $90
5"x7": $100
8"x10": $150
11"x14": $200
12"x12": $200
oval stretched canvas:
5"x7": $110
8"x10": $160